En esta actividad como se apreciara a continuación se procedió a la identificación de los distintos elementos que conforman una oración, de esta forma se ubicó en tres oraciones la Frase Nominal (FN), el Núcleo de la Frase Nominal, la Frase Verbal (FV) y el Núcleo de la Frase Verbal.
Texto Utilizado
In the last years, to adapt to the needs of the present society, the educative institutions have been seen in the necessity to make flexible and to develop to routes of integration of the technologies of the information and the communication in the processes of education-learning, as well as in the methods and the curricular contents of all the academic areas, by the possibilities that offer.
For this reason, the institutions of education in any level have undergone a change of certain importance in the set of the educative system of the present society, giving rise to the displacement of the formation processes from the conventional surroundings to other scopes.
Also, these times, the Technologies of Information and Communication for the learning little by little become a high-priority necessity in the students of all the levels of study.
For this reason, the institutions of education in any level have undergone a change of certain importance in the set of the educative system of the present society, giving rise to the displacement of the formation processes from the conventional surroundings to other scopes.
Also, these times, the Technologies of Information and Communication for the learning little by little become a high-priority necessity in the students of all the levels of study.
Extracción de Oraciones e Identificación de Frase Nominal y su Núcleo, Frase Verbal y su Núcleo, Premodificadores y Postmodificadores
1) The educative institutions have been seen in the necessity to make flexible and to develop to routes of integration of the technologies of the information and the communication in the processes of education-learning
Aproximación al texto: Las instituciones educativas se han visto en la necesidad de flexibilizar y desarrollar vías de integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje
FN Frase Nominal y Nucleo de la Frase Nominal
FV Frase Verbal
Núcleo de la Frase Verbal
Premodificadores: No tiene.
Postmodificadores: in the necessity to make flexible and to develop to routes of integration of the technologies of the information and the communication in the processes of education-learning.
Aproximación al texto: Las instituciones educativas se han visto en la necesidad de flexibilizar y desarrollar vías de integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje
FN Frase Nominal y Nucleo de la Frase Nominal
FV Frase Verbal
Núcleo de la Frase Verbal
Premodificadores: No tiene.
Postmodificadores: in the necessity to make flexible and to develop to routes of integration of the technologies of the information and the communication in the processes of education-learning.
2) The institutions of education in any level have undergone a change of certain importance in the set of the educative system of the present society
Aproximación al texto: Las instituciones de educación en cualquier nivel han experimentado un cambio de cierta importancia en el conjunto del sistema educativo de la sociedad actual.
FN Frase Nominal
Nucleo de la Frase Nominal
FV Frase Verbal
Núcleo de la Frase Verbal
Premodificadores: in any level.
Postmodificadores: a change of certain importance in the set of the educative system of the present society.
3) The Technologies of Information and Communication for the learning little by little become a high-priority necessity in the students of all the levels of study.
Aproximación al texto: Las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación para el aprendizaje poco a poco se convierten en una necesidad prioritaria en los estudiantes de todos los niveles de estudio.
FN Frase Nominal
Nucleo de la Frase Nominal
FV Frase Verbal
Núcleo de la Frase Verbal
Premodificadores: for the learning little by little.
Postmodificadores: a high-priority necessity in the students of all the levels of study.